Our Mission

Our mission is to create a safe learning environment for Boston youth in order to help them develop into productive members of their community. One Love Sport Academy (OLSA) uses sports with a combination of wrap-around services to provide wholistic care to the youth we service. Our philosophy is simple, when you address the whole-child, you receive better outcomes.


Our Goal

To build a foundation of service for our young people through principles of work ethic that allows them to excel beyond just sports. Inspiring young people to be responsible for their own success by choosing to do “whatever it takes” to succeed at the next level in sports and beyond.


It’s more than — “just sports”

"The community development is real. I have seen the growth of this organization grow from one co-ed youth league to 3 leagues in just under two years. I am very proud to to see fellow volunteers help build a community outreach program for our youth in our community like One Love Sports Academy."

— Carl Valbrun Jr., Impact Volunteer

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